Saturday, November 10, 2018

On my way to the breakfast buffet at Xenia resto in @xeniaclarkph The party last night with @flypal is a blast!!! I learned that I fell asleep while Instagramming while in bed hahaha Good morning! #flyPALyearender #flyPAL #flyPAL4stars #travel #clarkpampanga #xeniahotel #bloggers

On my way to the breakfast buffet at Xenia resto in @xeniaclarkph The party last night with @flypal is a blast!!! I learned that I fell asleep while Instagramming while in bed hahaha Good morning! #flyPALyearender #flyPAL #flyPAL4stars #travel #clarkpampanga #xeniahotel #bloggers
November 10, 2018 at 10:27AM